labanov | Дата: Суббота, 24.12.2022, 17:00 | Сообщение # 1 |
 True RMW
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The material is intended for review! If you liked the album, buy the CD in the store.
| Elysian Fields - Homage
Year: 2005 Style: Progressive Rock Country: United States Format: Flac+Cue+Log+Covers Size: 448mb
Tracklist: 01. Blur 6 02. So It Goes 03. The Journey's End 04. The Last Chapter 05. Rocket Fuel 06. Slip Away 07. Violent Midget 08. Childhood's End 09. Flint Geekwood's Gizbob 10. Revelation 11. Shark's Lungs In Plastic - Part 23A 12. Across The Universe
Состав: All instruments & music by Mark J. Dye Vocals by Andrew Winton
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