EPOCH OF UNLIGHT / Melodic Death/Black Metal
labanov | Дата: Вторник, 08.08.2023, 14:01 | Сообщение # 1 |
 True RMW
Группа: Модераторы
Сообщений: 10531

Статус: Offline
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The material is intended for review! If you liked the album, buy the CD in the store.
| Epoch Of Unlight - What Will Be Has Been
Year: 1998 Style: Melodic Death/Black Metal Country: United States Format: Flac+Cue+Log+Covers Size: 409mb
Tracklist: 01. Ad Infinitum 02. Undone Within 03. Silver Mistress 04. Burning as One 05. ...What Will Be Has Been! 06. Crimson Might (and Glory!) 07. (From Northern Aeries to) The Infinite Cycle of the Unborn Lord 08. The Day the Light Hath Died 09. Conflagration of Hate 10. Immortal Crucify
Состав: Tino LoSicco - Drums Pierce Totty - Bass Jason Smith - Guitars. Vocals Randy Robertson - Guitars
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labanov | Дата: Вторник, 08.08.2023, 14:06 | Сообщение # 2 |
 True RMW
Группа: Модераторы
Сообщений: 10531

Статус: Offline
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Error and non-working links write hereМатериал предназначен для ознакомления!
Если вам понравился альбом, купите диск в магазине.
The material is intended for review! If you liked the album, buy the CD in the store.
| Epoch Of Unlight - Caught In The Unlight!
Year: 2001 Style: Melodic Death/Black Metal Country: United States Format: Flac+Cue+Log+Covers Size: 397mb
Tracklist: 01. Intro 02. At the Threshold of Might 03. The Ethereal Taint 04. Crimson and Steel 05. In the Absence of Light 06. The Last to Fall 07. Ululant Cries 08. Return to Eidolon 09. The Hounds of Tindalos 10. Aegri Somnia Vana 11. Caught in the Unlight
Состав: Joe Totty - Bass Tino LoSicco - Drums Jason Smith - Guitars, Vocals
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labanov | Дата: Вторник, 08.08.2023, 14:15 | Сообщение # 3 |
 True RMW
Группа: Модераторы
Сообщений: 10531

Статус: Offline
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Error and non-working links write hereМатериал предназначен для ознакомления!
Если вам понравился альбом, купите диск в магазине.
The material is intended for review! If you liked the album, buy the CD in the store.
| Epoch Of Unlight - The Continuum Hypothesis
Year: 2005 Style: Melodic Death/Black Metal Country: United States Format: Flac+Cue+Log+Covers Size: 500mb
Tracklist: 01. The Continuum Hypothesis 02. Under Starside Skies 03. Argentum Era Secui Duos (Silver Mistress Part 2) 04. Cardinality 05. Highgate 06. The End of All 07. Broken Pendulum 08. Aberrant Shadows 09. Quicksilver to Ash 10. Denubrum 11. The Scarlet Thread
Состав: Joe Totty - Bass Tino LoSicco - Drums Jash Braddock - Guitars B.J. Cook - Vocal
Guest: Erin Farley - Vocals (backing) (track 8)
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Darksage | Дата: Четверг, 04.01.2024, 13:43 | Сообщение # 4 |
 True RMW
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 33989

Статус: Online
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Error and non-working links write hereМатериал предназначен для ознакомления!
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The material is intended for review! If you liked the album, buy the CD in the store.
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