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Evisceration - Forlorn: The 25 Year Anniversary Edition
Tracklist 01. Forlorn (4:43) 02. Roadkill (3:51) 03. Vice Erosion (4:50) 04. Pure (6:44) 05. Possession (5:18) 06. Under Construction (5:11) 07. Invincible Desire (5:58) 08. Sado Empathy (6:09) 09. Bear the Pain (4:07) 10. Soul Artist (6:52) 11. Disbelief (4:16) 12. Eviscerated (5:14) 13. Interdimensional Existence (5:21) 14. Equivalent to Homicide (5:10) 15. To Whom It May Concern (3:17)
Band Finus Tromp Bass (1992-1996) See also: 3rd Machine, ex-Horizon Niek Kuijper Drums (1992-1996) See also: ex-3rd Machine Richard Moot Keyboards (1992-1996) See also: ex-Horizon Robert Houtenbos Vocals, Guitars (1992-1996) Ronald Kools Vocals, Guitars (1992-1996) See also: 3rd Machine, ex-Horizon
Лог проверки качества CUE Corrector v. 7.6.3 / b. 598 (May 12, 2016) ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Evisceration / Forlorn: The 25 Year Anniversary Edition