labanov | Дата: Среда, 30.11.2022, 18:52 | Сообщение # 1 |
 True RMW
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| Fitcage - Pigumanity
Year: 2010 Style: Death Metal/Grindcore Country: Russian Federation Format: Flac+Cue+Log+Covers Size: 195mb
Tracklist: 01. Pigs Devour Pigs 02. Everyday Hatred 03. Childrens Suicide 04. Six Headshots 05. Smiling Corpse 06. Mass Disorder Instruction 07. New World Slavery 08. Fear and Loathing Everywhere 09. Copsripper 10. Forced Ganja Penetration 11. Single Bullet Theory 12. Buried on a Junkyard 13. Turn the Face to a Reality 14. Stench of Prophet (Brutal Truth cover) 15. Civil Monkeys 16. Mentally Monstrosity 17. Thirst of Violence 18. Born to Kill 19. Humanity for a Long Time in Hell
Состав: Oleg - Vocals Eugene - Vocals, Guitars Amir - Bass Vitalik - Drums
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