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Год:2008 Страна:Greece Стиль:Viking Metal / Neofolk
Tracklist 01. The Battle Valkyrie (Intro) (03:38) 02. All Mighty Gods (06:17) 03. Valkyrjas Spoken Words (07:01) 04. Father And Son (07:18) 05. Thor The Thunder God (08:14) 06. To Wallhall Shall Meet (05:59) 07. Shield Brothers Of Valhalla (05:16) 08. Riding Through The Battle (Outro) (02:50) 09. Havamal (Falkenbach Cover) (07:25) 10. Ring Of Gold (Bathory Cover) (05:35)
Состав Hildr Valkyrie (aka Queen of Hades/IRis) (Beyond the Forests, Nocternity (Grc), Worship, Ego Drama, Uruk-Hai (Aut), Folkearth, Morgan the Bard, Femegericht (Deu), Odins Court, Folkodia, Voluspaa, Athlos (Grc), Lloth, Death Army)