OLD MAN'S CHILD / Melodic Black Metal ⭐
labanov | Дата: Суббота, 17.12.2022, 18:38 | Сообщение # 1 |
 True RMW
Группа: Модераторы
Сообщений: 10532

Статус: Offline
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The material is intended for review! If you liked the album, buy the CD in the store.
| Old Man's Child - Born Of The Flickering
Year: 1996[Re-2012] Style: Melodic Black Metal Country: Norway Format: Flac+Cue+Log+Covers Size: 367mb
Tracklist: 01. Demons of the Thorncastle 02. Swallowed by a Buried One 03. Born of the Flickering 04. King of the Dark Ages 05. Wounds from the Night of Magic [instrumental] 06. On Through the Desert Storm 07. Christian Death 08. Funeral, Swords and Souls 09. The Last Chapter 10. ...Leads to Utopia / The Old Man's Dream
Состав: Grusom - Vocals (tracks 1-4, 6-9), Guitars, Keyboards, Lyrics (tracks 1, 4, 9), Songwriting (tracks 1-10) Jardar - Guitars, Songwriting (tracks 1, 5) Gonde - Bass, Vocals (backing) Tjodalv - Drums
Guest: Aldrahn - Vocals (tracks 2, 3, 7, 8, 10) Richard Wikstrand - Guitars (classical) (tracks 5, 6) Toril Snyen - Vocals (female)
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labanov | Дата: Суббота, 17.12.2022, 18:43 | Сообщение # 2 |
 True RMW
Группа: Модераторы
Сообщений: 10532

Статус: Offline
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Error and non-working links write hereМатериал предназначен для ознакомления!
Если вам понравился альбом, купите диск в магазине.
The material is intended for review! If you liked the album, buy the CD in the store.
| Old Man's Child - The Pagan Prosperity
Year: 1997 Style: Melodic Black Metal Country: Norway Format: Flac+Cue+Log+Covers Size: 290mb
Tracklist: 01. The Millennium King 02. Behind the Mask 03. Soul Possessed 04. My Demonic Figures 05. Doommaker 06. My Kingdom Will Come 07. Return of the Night Creatures 08. What Malice Embrace
Состав: Galder - Vocals, Guitars, Keyboards, Lyrics, Songwriting Tony - Drums Gonde - Bass, Vocals (backing) Jardar - Guitars (lead)
Guest: J. Lohngrin Cremonese - Vocals (additional) (tracks 1, 5, 7)
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labanov | Дата: Суббота, 17.12.2022, 18:50 | Сообщение # 3 |
 True RMW
Группа: Модераторы
Сообщений: 10532

Статус: Offline
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Error and non-working links write hereМатериал предназначен для ознакомления!
Если вам понравился альбом, купите диск в магазине.
The material is intended for review! If you liked the album, buy the CD in the store.
| Old Man's Child - Ill-Natured Spiritual Invasion
Year: 1998 Style: Melodic Black Metal Country: Norway Format: Flac+Cue+Log+Covers Size: 294mb
Tracklist: 01. Towards Eternity 02. The Dream Ghost 03. Demoniacal Possession 04. Fall of Man 05. Captives of Humanity 06. God of Impiety 07. My Evil Revelations 08. Thy Servant
Состав: Galder - Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards, Lyrics, Songwriting
Guest: Gene Hoglan - Drums
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