labanov | Дата: Воскресенье, 24.09.2023, 10:02 | Сообщение # 1 |
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| Stigmatheist - It All Ends Today
Year: 1999 Style: Melodic Black Metal Country: Netherlands Format: Flac+Cue+Log+Covers Size: 478mb
Tracklist: 01. To Become What It Became 02. Within the Pains of Pleasure 03. Meaningless 04. Released Souls 05. It All Ends Today 06. Death's Departure 07. Condemned Disbelief 08. Suffer My Punishment 09. The End (Outro) [instrumental]
Состав: Rob Hilgerink - Bass William Vlierman - Drums Ewald Busscher - Guitars, Vocals Wilfred Spijker - Guitars René Kroon - Keyboards Patrick Koning - Vocals
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