Материал предназначен для ознакомления!
Если вам понравился альбом, купите диск в магазине.
The material is intended for review! If you liked the album, buy the CD in the store.
Tracklist 01 - Beats me [0:05:25.16] 02 - The last move [0:03:33.64] 03 - Blackwing [0:06:15.64] 04 - Living loud [0:03:19.17] 05 - Something meaner [0:04:38.30] 06 - A quest to get through [0:04:09.25] 07 - Watchin' you [0:03:37.34] 08 - Gravity greetings [0:03:36.18] 09 - Looks like invisible [0:05:18.08] 10 - Gone in the morning [0:04:24.06] 11 - A wireless heart [0:04:03.59]