labanov | Дата: Четверг, 15.12.2022, 17:43 | Сообщение # 1 |
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| Thornspawn/Varathron/Black Altar - Emissaries of the Darkened Call-Three Nails in the Coffin of Humanity
Year: 2012 Style: Black Metal Country: United States/Greece/Poland Format: Flac+Cue+Log+Covers Size: 372mb
Tracklist: 01. Black Altar - Intro [instrumental] 02. Black Altar - Nighthunter 03. Black Altar - I'm Demon 04. Black Altar - Deep Cut into the Open Wound of Mankind 05. Varathron - Arawn's Reign 06. Varathron - Black Swamp 07. Varathron - Ancient Warrior (Black Sabbath cover) 08. Thornspawn - Baphobanner (Flag of Horror) 09. Thornspawn - Deceased Divinity (Pious Pulpit Burnt to Ashes) 10. Thornspawn - Deathlust 11. Thornspawn - Thorns of Black Spawned from the Altars of Northrav
Состав: Thornspawn/United States: Hella - Bass Blackthorn - Drums, Vocals Moon - Guitars
Varathron/Greece: Stefan Necroabyssious - Vocals, Lyrics Sotiris - Guitars Achilleas C. - Guitars Stratos Kountouras - Bass Haris - Drums
Black Altar/Poland: Horn ov Antichrist - Drums Shadow - Bass, Vocals, Lyrics
Guest: Nihil - Intro, Outro Horizon - Guitars
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