labanov | Дата: Четверг, 28.09.2023, 15:24 | Сообщение # 1 |
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| Dissolving of Prodigy / Pantheïst / Gallileous / Wijlen Wij / Kostas Panagiotou - Unveiling the Signs
Year: 2010[Split] Style: Funeral Doom Metal/Death Metal Country: International Format: Flac+Cue+Log+Covers Size: 385mb
Tracklist: 01. Kostas Panagiotou - Overture: The Madness of Crowds 02. Gallileous - Zabobon (Superstition) 03. Wijlen Wij - The Wall of Life 04. Dissolving of Prodigy - Zlodĕjská svĕtélka (Lights of Thieves) 05. Pantheïst - Barock
Состав: Dissolving of Prodigy / Doom/Death Metal / Czechia: Tomáš Burian - Bass Jan Valícek - Flute, Vocals Marek "Frodys" Pytlik - Guitars René Krystyn (R.I.P. 2013) - Guitars, Vocals
Pantheïst / Funeral Doom Metal, Progressive Doom Metal / Belgium: Sterghios Moschos - Drums Pepijn van Houwelingen - Guitars Mark Bodossian - Bass Ilia Rodriguez - Guitars
Gallileous / Funeral Doom Metal / Poland: Cebull - Bass Mirek - Drums, Vocals Stona - Guitars, Vocals Wino (R.I.P. 2014) - Guitars, Vocals
Wijlen Wij / Funeral Doom Metal / Belgium: Kostas Panagiotou - Guitars, Keyboards Kris Villez - Drums Lawrence van Haecke - Vocals Stijn Van Cauter - Guitars, Bass
Kostas Panagiotou / Atmospheric/Progressive/Funeral Doom Metal, Neoclassical/Ambient / United Kingdom: Kostas Panagiotou - All instruments
Kostas Panagiotou, who provides the intro/overture, is a member of both Pantheïst and Wijlen Wij, so he appears three times on this split.
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