labanov | Дата: Воскресенье, 01.10.2023, 11:44 | Сообщение # 1 |
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| Insision / Inveracity - Revelation of the SadoGod / Deceased... Abandoned... Disgraced
Year: 2001[Split] Style: Technical Brutal Death Metal Country: International (Sweden/Greece) Format: Flac+Cue+Log+Covers Size: 318mb
Tracklist: 01. Insision - Intro: Before My Altar 02. Insision - Sado God 03. Insision - Trapped Within 04. Insision - Zombie Ritual (Death cover) 05. Insision - Outro: The Revelation 06. Inveracity - Raped 07. Inveracity - She Died in My Arms 08. Inveracity - Self-Inflicted Torture 09. Inveracity - Eaten Alive (Repulsion cover)
Состав: Insision / Sweden: R. Johansson - Guitars D. Ekeroth - Bass C. Birath - Vocals, Lyrics T. Brynedal - Guitars T. Daun - Drums
Inveracity / Greece: Lefteris - Bass, Vocals (backing), Guitars (lead) (on "Eaten Alive") Vagelis - Drums Nyogtha - Vocals Antonis - Guitars
Guest: Dimitris Samaras - Vocals (backing) (track 8)
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