Blood Storm - Cursedness Of The Cinder Witch (2022) Genre: Black/Thrash Metal
Country: United States
bandcamp metal-archives Tracklist:
1. Chaotic Exile 03:36
2. Mundane Havoc 05:17
3. Nefarious Pact 03:37
4. The Separation 02:23
5. The Hungering Emptiness 04:26
6. Saffron Harlot of the Nightside 04:56
7. Futile Obsession 04:29
8. The Penanggalan 02:32
9. Terror Inversion 06:28
time: 37:44
MacCriunna Drums
Mezzadurus Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards
Bjorn Haga Guitars
MP3 320 kbps
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