Год/Year: 2023
Стиль/Style: Gothic Heavy Metal /Melodic Death Metal
Страна/Country: United States
mp3 320
Треклист /Tracklist
1.Seance 03:42
2.The Devil Comes In 04:05
3.The Weight of His Blessing 03:19
4.The Promise of the Night 03:01
5.Old Wounds 03:23
6.God Told Me a Secret 02:56
7.Pepper's Ghost 03:48
8.A New Way to Bleed 04:00
9.I Think We're Going to Hell Tonight 03:53
10.The Grand Deceit 04:24
11.Hexed 03:16
12.Calcified Heart 04:15
13.A Final Moment 04:09
t: 48:11
The Abominable Dr. Vocals, Guitars, Keyboards
Coven—pronounced with a long “o” in the Mark Borchardt tradition—is a Gothic Heavy Metal album equally influenced by 80s Ozzy, 90s Paradise Lost, and the 1982 Halloween episode of CHiPs where Donny Most plays a "devil rocker" named Moloch.
All Hallow’s Evil is Jay Gironimi, who played all the instruments. After 2 singles, 7 EPs, 8 full length albums and 3 re-recordings, he finally learned to play drums to record Coven.
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The material is intended for review! If you liked the album, buy the CD in the store.
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Links have been restored , Ссылка восстановлена Go to my telegram, there you can download this album in FLAC, the link to the telegram is below the release.
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