Slovakian Blackened Heavy Metal cult MALOKARPATAN return to bestow their fourth album of unique sonic spectres upon us. This folklore-steeped record shall be unveiled by Invictus Productions on October 27th.
Mystical strings and percussion kick in with an ethereal ambience, setting a sombre and yet fantastical tone for the quest ahead. These archaic instrumentations work gloriously with the metallic furore that Malokarpatan are more known for, though have never been shy about their folkier influences. Melodic leads and galloping riffs atop monstrous drumming bring the real aggression, permeating the air with an ancient and evil spirit that feels so timeless. The blend of Heavy and Black Metal is something we have heard Malokarpatan toy with on all of their records, really bringing the more traditional elements to the forefront in recent years, which can instantly be recognised as having developed here. Mighty and stoic, yet drenched in atmosphere, the beginning of this record has an enchanting and epic feel to it that couples beautifully with the more darkened elements. Maliciously the vocals snarl with strings weaving in serpentine fashion through the onslaught of majestic riffs and pounding drum artillery. Crazed soloing adds even more restlessness to this ever-shifting yet coherently blended tale. I have to say, the opening of this album does not disappoint, offering that classic traditional meets extreme meets estranged folklore trifecta that Malokarpatan have absolutely nailed from day one.
In addition to the elements I was just speaking about, we hear plenty of that first wave, thrashing cacophony that remains the bands primary influence (at least based upon what I hear). Equally the vibrant and unusual synths that appear instantly bring to mind the likes of Master’s Hammer for the experimental yet still malicious soundscapes provided. Merciless and yet so multi-faceted, there is a truly rich tapestry of wonder to be found on this record as each unique element flows gorgeously from the last. Always forging ahead into battle with new ideas and yet never throwing any useless or unnecessary pretentiousness before us, there is no denying the unwieldy yet sublime execution of this album is clearly very well thought out. Developing in so many directions, there is endless passages to explore on this album which warrant revisiting, but even upon first encounter it is a marvellous listen that has all of the mysticism and headbanging rage one could hope for in a singular package of radiant Slavic brilliance.
Flaring up the metallic mayhem with some more psychedelic touches, there is never any way to predict where Malokarpatan will go next, even if you are well versed in their music. All you can know is that whatever elemental force they put forth, it will be played superbly. Aside from the playing, the organic and bombastic sound of the recording is so clear and full-bodied that every single element really shines, even the most subtle nuance. This is what happens when a band focusses on their orchestration in a more old school mindset rather than going for all of the over-saturated loudness that ruined so much modern “Metal” music. Up until the end, this thing stays true to the bone and gives a rewarding and resplendent listen to those who will become intoxicated by the breathtaking splendour of these new pieces. The flowing atmospherics launch into riveting displays of bestial aggression then from savagery we find ourselves lucidly wandering through archaic psychedelia. Altogether this may sound a mess, but weapon in Malokarpatan’s arsenal is wielded in a purposeful and skilful fashion that cannot be denied simply works in their grander design of sonic upheaval.
There is traditionalism, both in the Heavy Metal sense and the ancient tales told. But there is uniqueness, unheard sounds and relentlessly fluid songwriting. Malokarpatan have something truly special and you would be a fool to ignore a new release by them. From the haunting to the headbanging, the catchy riffs to utterly unhinged ambience and all between. This is another opus from a band who sound like no other yet keep the traditions of Tormentor, Root, Mercyful Fate, Samael and so on burning brighter than ever while taking these foundations and forging their own path of alchemical potency. “Vertumnus Caesar” is another triumph from this obscure and luminescent musical oddity known as Malokarpatan./ inet